Sunday, April 24, 2011

Civil War Remembered ~ Block 17

Comfort Quilt

We are quilting along
with the Barbara Brackman
Civil War Quilt for 2011.

Cutting Requirements:

Fabric A: Dark
8 - 2 1/4" squares
I made mine 4 - red, 4 - blue

Fabric B:  Light
4 - 2 1/4" x 5" rectangles

Fabric C:  Light
4 - 2 1/4" x 1 1/2" rectangles

Fabric D:  Dark
1 - 1 1/2" square

Make center 9 patch first.
Layout Fabrics A,C, & D
as shown and sew together
in 3 rows.  Press rows 1 & 3
to the inside and row 2 to the outside.

Sew rows together.

Square to 5".

Sew Fabric A squares to
the ends of 2 Fabric B

Sew Fabric B rectangles
to each side of center
9 patch as shown.

Layout as shown.

Sew rows together and
square to 8 1/2".

Here is another one I did.

And another.

And another.

I liked Ann's idea of
swapping placement so
I made this piece this morning.
I like it.  I think it would be
better as a large quilt, something
to think of in the future.

I'm including some photos
of coverlets that Barbara
talked about on her blog.

I toured the home of
a Civil War General in
New Castle, Indiana
this week.

While I was there a person
was cataloguing the coverlet
collection and she opened
up a few and let me
photograph them.

I love this one!

This house is now the Henry
County Historical Society Museum.

If you are ever in the area
stop by and see this beautiful
museum.  If you would like
to see more of the museum
checkout my blog post
from April 23rd.

Checkout everyone's block
on Dustin's Flickr site:


  1. Happy easter-greetings and thanks for sharing your tutorial and your visit to the museum with us!!!

  2. I've just seen your CW blocks on flickr, you have done really nice job on your little quilt!!!! The coverlets are just wonderful aren't they, thankyou for sharing your experience at the museum!!!

  3. So thrilled to have found your blog...thank you for the great instructions. I love the fabrics you use!


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