Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sweet Seasons ~ Block #4

2011 Redbud Block of the Month


Fabric Requirements:

Fabric A: Purple
4 - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
4 - 2 1/2" squares
4 - 3 1/4" squares

Fabric B:  Green
1- 4 1/2" square
4 - 3 1/4" squares

Fabric C:  Pink
8 - 3 1/4" squares
Mark a diagonal line on back

Fabric D:  White
4 - 2 1/2" squares

Make Half Square Triangles:

Pair 3 1/4" squares right sides
together in the following combinations:
A/C - 4   B/C - 4
Sew 1/4" away from both sides of
drawn line.  Cut on drawn line.  Press
seams to the darker fabric. 

Square to 2 1/2".

Make Corner Units:
Layout units as shown.  Sew
Fabric A and Fabric D 2 1/2"
squares together.
Sew rectangle and 2 patch together.

Square to 4 1/2".
Make 4.

Make Center Outer Units:
Layout units as shown.
Sew together in 2 rows, then
sew rows together.

Square to 4 1/2"
Make 4.

Assemble Block:
Layout units as shown.
Sew together in 3 rows, then
sew rows together. 

Press final seams open
to reduce bulk.
Square to 12 1/2".


  1. Lovely colors! Lovely block!

  2. Hi there! I've just found your blog and become a "FOLLOWER"
    I love the block tutorials and will visit often!

  3. My name is actually Nicky. Clearly new to all of this. I am loving both the sweet seasons and the civil war tutorials. I am teaching myself to sew and the techniques are clearly explained. Thank you so much


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