Churn Dash
We are starting a new feature
this week at American Homestead.
Each week we will give a tutorial
on a quilt block. You can view it
here but also use our new blog:
as a resource for quilt block
ideas and instruction. We
hope you enjoy it!
Fabric Requirements:
Fabric A: Medium (Green)
2 - 5 1/4" squares - Mark a diagonal
line on back.
4 - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
Fabric B: Dark (Blue)
2 - 5 1/4" squares
4 - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles
Fabric C: Light (Yellow)
1 - 4 1/2" square
Make Half Square Triangles:
Pair Fabric A and Fabric B 5 1/4"
squares, right sides together. Sew
1/4" away from both sides of drawn
line. Cut on drawn line and press
to the darker fabric.
Square to 4 1/2".
Make Center Outer Units:
Pair Fabric A and Fabric B
2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles, right
sides together and sew together
along one long edge. Press to
the darker fabric and square
to 4 1/2".
Layout units as shown and
sew together in 3 rows. Press
seams in rows 1 & 3 to the outside
and seam in row 2 to the inside.
Square to 12 1/2". Press
final seams open to reduce bulk.
The Churn Dash block is a traditional
block from the early to mid 1800's.
This block has also been called:
Hole in the Barn Door, Ludlow's
Favorite, Broken Plate, Old Mill Design,
Picture Frame, Puss in the Corner,
Dragon's Head and Monkey Wrench.
I think you'll be my favorite teacher!!! It's a great idea and I'm looking forward which blocks will follow!! Are they all the same size???