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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fun with Funghi

The Beauty of Nature

I love nature.  I am happiest
when I'm out on a trail looking
at the birds and flowers and trees
and now...  funghus.

I admit I am no expert on the subject.
I know few of the names, I am drawn
to fungus for the beauty.  The shape and
color are amazing.

Though I have been hiking for many years,
it is only the past few years that I have
carried a camera with me regularly.
And that changed everything.

My hikes take much longer these
days because I'm constantly looking
into the woods to spot the latest
funghus that has appeared since yesterday.

If I spot something new, I jump into the
woods and try to get the best angle.  That's
the reason I often have leaves and twigs
in my hair...

I often meet gatherers who tell me
a certain type is ok to eat, but what if
they are wrong?   So, I never eat them.

In France, you can take your wild
mushrooms to the local pharmacy.
The pharmacists are trained to know
which are edible and which can kill you.
I like that system.

For now, I'm content to enjoy
the visual beauty of Funghi.

My hiking partner is Mia the Wonder
Dog.  If I spot something I want to
photograph, I drop her lead and bound
off into the woods.  She just walks back and
sits quietly until I'm finished ~ good dog!

My other hiking partner, Mr. Wonderful,
puts up with all the times I stop with good
humor.  One time I was taking a photo while
kneeling in brambles with my hair almost
in a spider's web, I looked up and said,
"I love funghi."  He replied, "Hey, I'm a
fun guy."  Ha~ha!

Get outside and see what beauty
you can find in nature!

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